Static Data -Daily Leverage Certificate
0.31 Sensitivity in ticks / in % 5.7 / 0.29%
Outstanding Qty 1,200 Outstanding Qty (%) 0.00%
Underlying Asset Alibaba (9988.HK)
Code XXRW Type Daily Short
ISIN CH1227876856 Issuer UB
Leverage Factor -5x Listing Date 20/11/2024
Last Trading Date 21/05/2026 Expiry Date 29/05/2026
DLC Trading Currency SGD Underlying Currency HKD
Air Bag Trigger Level 15%
Costs and Fees
Management Fee 0.4% per annum Gap Premium 12.8% per annum
Daily Cost -0.000359
Legal Documents
Historical Performance Data
Alibaba 5xShortUB260529
Last Update: 07/02/2025 17:28
Last Update: 07/02/2025 17:28
  • Intrinsic Closing Value is computed according to the valuation formula of the Certificates. The actual Closing Price of the Certificates reflects the last traded price on the trading day, which may differ from the Intrinsic Closing Value under certain conditions.
  • Leveraged Strategy Return is the sum of Daily Leveraged Return, Daily Funding Cost, Daily Rebalancing Cost and Stock Borrowing Cost (if any)
  • Hedging Fees Factor is computed as the product for all trading days of Daily Hedging Fees
  • Daily Hedging Fees are computed according to the following formula : [1 – Management Fees x (ACT (t-1;t) ÷ 360)] x [1 – Gap Premium (t-1) x (ACT (t-1;t) ÷ 360)]
  • When investors trade intra-day (buying and selling the Certificates on the same Trading Day), the costs are the brokerage fees, trading fees and bid/ask spread from trading which are typically the same as trading stocks on the relevant exchange. Daily Cost reflects the leverage and hedging costs and fees which would also apply when the Certificates are held overnight, which consist of the Management Fee, Gap Premium, Rebalancing Costs, Funding Costs and Borrowing Costs (for Short Certificates only), which are calculated daily and applied to the value of the Certificates.