Hang Seng Index (.HSI)
23.430 (0.12%)
Last Update: 13/11/2024 16:42
Open 19,671.92
High 19,840.28
Previous Day Close 19,846.88
Low 19,608.32
Traded Value 73,648.2M
Volume 2,862.3M
Hang Seng Index (.HSI)
Main Chart
Secondary Chart
Chart Type
Last Update: 13/11/2024 16:42
Related Daily Leverage Certificates
Code Name Bid Ask Type Traded Value Intrinsic Closing Value1 Sensitivity2
8E8W HSI 7xShortUB260630 0.230 0.235 Short - 0.228 62.16
HAOW HSI 5xShortUB251031 0.058 0.059 Short 1K 0.058 68.78
IFDW HSI 7xLongUB250228 0.009 0.010 Long - 0.010 285.71
JHXW HSI 5xLongUB251031 0.745 0.750 Long 127K 0.752 26.41
KNXW HSI 7xLongUB241231 0.001 0.002 Long - 0.002 1666.20
MEAW HSI 7xLongUB260130 1.500 1.795 Long 3K 1.797 7.89
QGGW HSI 7xShortUB250228 0.007 0.008 Short - 0.007 381.50
QXPW HSI 5xShortUB250430 0.095 0.097 Short 61K 0.094 42.16
TCCW HSI 5xLongUB250430 0.155 0.181 Long 117K 0.156 25.48
WBQW HSI 7xLongUB251031 0.078 0.100 Long 83K 0.089 31.93

Intrinsic Closing Value1: Last updated at 08:45 on 13/11/2024 for UBS products.

Sensitivity and Sensitivity(%)2: Sensitivity is the number of index points (for index) or dollar value (for stock) movement that is equivalent to a theoretical 1 tick movement of the DLC, without taking intraday exchange rate changes into account for non-SGD denominated underlying asset product. This value changes as the values of the underlying asset and the DLC change and is calculated based on previous closing price of the underlying asset and the previous theoretical closing price of the DLC. Sensitivity(%) is the value of Sensitivity in percentage of the corresponding Underlying Asset closing price. Both data are for reference only.