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Leverage factor
Last Update: -
Code Name Bid Price Bid Change (%)1 Traded Value Leverage Factor
RYQW Lenovo 5xLongUB250430 0.024 0.003 (14.29%) - 5x
9GBW Xiaomi 5xLongUB250930 0.790 0.070 (9.72%) 574 5x
5O9W Xiaomi 5xLongUB250228 0.038 0.003 (8.57%) 12 5x
1M8W Meituan 5xLongUB251128 4.570 0.330 (7.78%) 82K 5x
FOFW BYD 5xLongUB250321 0.205 0.014 (7.33%) - 5x
Bid Change (%)1= Current Bid Price / Intrinsic Closing Value - 1
*only includes DLC products that have bids greater than $0.02.
Last Update: 18/10/2024 09:41
Code Name Bid Price Bid Change (%)1 Traded Value Leverage Factor
XBNW JD 5xLongUB250630 0.056 0.006 (9.68%) - 5x
HURW Meituan 5xShortUB250626 0.023 0.002 (8.00%) - -5x
MCZW Sands 5xShortUB250127 0.038 0.003 (7.32%) - -5x
EKPW BYD 5xShortUB250626 0.133 0.009 (6.34%) - -5x
YJXW HSBC 5xShortUB250626 0.535 0.033 (5.81%) - -5x
Bid Change (%)1= Current Bid Price / Intrinsic Closing Value - 1
*only includes DLC products that have bids greater than $0.02.
Last Update: 18/10/2024 09:41
DLC Funds Flow
DLC Category
Long Short Top 5 Inflow Top 5 Outflow Short Long
DLC funds flow is calculated by change in DLC outstanding units (positive if there is increase in outstanding units, i.e. investors net bought DLCs from Designated Market Makers) multiplying by the last intrinsic close of the corresponding DLCs, aggregated by Underlying Asset and direction for the selected timeframe.
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